Sunday, January 17, 2016


Since all powers emanate from One Source, you could say that all powers expressing through you are "supernatural" or natural, as you prefer.

All powers and abilities, whether you call them "supernatural" or "natural" are developed in accord with natural laws. These laws to go beyond the world of Newtonian physics and move into the realm of quantum physics. They are the Laws of the Mind and Spirit, and they can easily and effortlessly over-ride the known laws of physics which relate to the physical dimension of experience.

Some people use the term "natural" to refer to any abilities and powers originating, or appearing to originate, from your physical self and from the physical realm - your ability to walk, to talk, and act in any way that can be traced to the activities or your physical body, and anything else you experience that you can observe using your physical senses and logically explain using the known laws of physics.

They use the term "supernatural" to refer to everything that is not perceptible using physical senses, and may include here both "psychic" and "spiritual abilities

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