General Knowledge
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Role of education for maintaining quality life
Education is the source of knowledge, skills, capacities and capabilities. Education is the light of life. Education helps to createawareness by removing misconceptions.Education helps to attain quality of life. Educated people can have quality life better than an uneducated person. It brings awareness in people. People can develop their knowledge and skill through education. Educated people have chances to get theemployment opportunities which help to maintain the quality of living standard. One of the strongest and most consistent relationships in family life education is between education and basic family needs. A family with quality life usually places high priority on the education of the children. An intelligent and educated person can overcome his/her problems accordingly. Schooling provides access to highereducation later and provides a person with knowledge that will enable him/her to support his/her family. An educated person knows how to balance the income and expenditure, the reason to maintain birth spacing, and to adopt the means of family planning. Because of these quality of life can be maintain. Thus, educationis also reliable and powerful element for maintaining the quality of life. The educated and skilled member of the family gets an opportunity of employment, without any difficulty. Educated and capable members of the family are able to fulfill the basic requirements of the family easily.
Educated persons are the skilled persons. They have more access to income generation than the uneducated person. Therefore, by increasing the income of the family, they can move toward quality of life. An educated person knows how to solve the family problems in an effective way. Therefore, family conflicts due to misunderstanding are less likely to occur in such families. Education helps to create a harmonious environment in the family and attain quality of life. Therefore, education is one of the major elements of quality of life. The parents should provide the quality education to their children. Likewise, education helps to utilize the modern materials and inventions for maintaining the quality of living standard of the family members.
Role of family size for maintaining quality of life

The family size is an important element for the quality of life. The size of the family directly affects the quality of life. The major part of family income is spent in fulfilling the basic needs of the large family. It becomes difficult to provide the facilities of transport, communication, employment, security, freedom and human rights to all the members of the large family. As a result, the quality of life of the members of large family cannot easily be maintained. The smaller the family the bigger will be their individual share of the available resources and, of course, the bigger the family the smaller will be the share. This means that children and adults in a large family will have to make certain scarifies in order to meet each individual’s needs. The needs of the members of the members of small family can be easily fulfilled. Comparatively, the members ofsmall family get nutritious food, seasonal clothes, and quality education. Less amount of family income is spent in fulfilling the basic needs of the small family. Thus, family size should be small to take proper care of the children, to impart the quality education, to keep them healthy and strong and to collect the necessary fund for the expenditure of the family members. Family size should be small so as to make necessary facilities and services available in proper manner. As a result, parents will be able to undertake the responsibilities towards their children. It is this light that it would be helpful in maintaining quality of life by exploiting services and facilities properly. There is a high change of prevailing misunderstanding andjealousy among the family members. For the attainment of quality life, the parents should have to adopt various means of family planning. Parents also can easily undertake the responsibilities towards their children in the small family. Thus, the family size helps to maintain the quality of life.
Role of family size for maintaining quality of life
Role of education for maintaining quality life

Education is the source of knowledge, skills, capacities and capabilities. Education is the light of life. Education helps to create awareness by removing misconceptions.Education helps to attain quality of life. Educated people can have quality life better than an uneducated person. It brings awareness in people. People can develop their knowledge and skill through education. Educated people have chances to get theemployment opportunities which help to maintain the quality of living standard. One of the strongest and most consistent relationships in family life education is between education and basic family needs. A family with quality life usually places high priority on the education of the children. An intelligent and educated person can overcome his/her problems accordingly. Schooling provides access to highereducation later and provides a person with knowledge that will enable him/her to support his/her family. An educated person knows how to balance the income and expenditure, the reason to maintain birth spacing, and to adopt the means of family planning. Because of these quality of life can be maintain. Thus, educationis also reliable and powerful element for maintaining the quality of life. The educated and skilled member of the family gets an opportunity of employment, without any difficulty. Educated and capable members of the family are able to fulfill the basic requirements of the family easily.
Educated persons are the skilled persons. They have more access to income generation than the uneducated person. Therefore, by increasing the income of the family, they can move toward quality of life. An educated person knows how to solve the family problems in an effective way. Therefore, family conflicts due to misunderstanding are less likely to occur in such families. Education helps to create a harmonious environment in the family and attain quality of life. Therefore, education is one of the major elements of quality of life. The parents should provide the quality education to their children. Likewise, education helps to utilize the modern materials and inventions for maintaining the quality of living standard of the family members.
Role of education for maintaining quality life
Need and importance of quality of life

The quality of life is concern with the living standard of all the members of the family. In one hand, quality of life includes the overall standard of the nation, on the other hand it represents the standard of different classes like high, low, medium, old, children, male and female etc. human life cannot be successful without the quality of living standard. The social structure was not developed properly in the ancient time. So, the less importance has been given to the quality of living standard in those days. But this is the age of competition and physical development. Thus, more attention has been given to the development of quality of life. Whatever the progress has been made in the name of development, the main goal is to provide the peace, pleasure and satisfaction to the human beings. The education is a light of knowledge which leads the people on the right path. Education is also the source of skills and capacities. It helps to maintain the quality of living standard. Every couple should be active to provide the quality education to the children. Qualityeducation becomes fruitful in future for their children to generate the sound income sources. The income generation occupation with the high salary helps to maintain the quality of living standard. The quality of life of the people is deeply related with the socio-cultural aspects of the society. The quality of life plays a vital role to bring the change in social and cultural development in the entire nation. The quality of life has made an incomparable contribution in the development of economic sector. The economic development is the backbone of the development of any nation. The development and progress of any country will not be possible without economic development.
Per capita income is the measurement of the development. It is also an important element to maintain the quality of life. Increasing per capita income helps to develop the quality of living standard of the people. When the sources of income of an individual increases, s\he is able to manage the basic requirements. The improving economic condition of an individual helps to develop the quality of living standard of the family. Many resources are mobilized for the income generation. The establishment of industries, the invention of various instrument and the mobilization of various resources is due to human desire for quality of life. There is no filed that human beings has not touched. It is clear that there is a deep rooted relationship between economic aspect and the quality of living standard of the people. Thus, an economic aspect is the fundamental component for maintaining quality of life.
Need and importance of quality of life

The quality of life is concern with the living standard of all the members of the family. In one hand, quality of life includes the overall standard of the nation, on the other hand it represents the standard of different classes like high, low, medium, old, children, male and female etc. human life cannot be successful without the quality of living standard. The social structure was not developed properly in the ancient time. So, the less importance has been given to the quality of living standard in those days. But this is the age of competition and physical development. Thus, more attention has been given to the development of quality of life. Whatever the progress has been made in the name of development, the main goal is to provide the peace, pleasure and satisfaction to the human beings. The education is a light of knowledge which leads the people on the right path. Education is also the source of skills and capacities. It helps to maintain the quality of living standard. Every couple should be active to provide the quality education to the children. Qualityeducation becomes fruitful in future for their children to generate the sound income sources. The income generation occupation with the high salary helps to maintain the quality of living standard. The quality of life of the people is deeply related with the socio-cultural aspects of the society. The quality of life plays a vital role to bring the change in social and cultural development in the entire nation. The quality of life has made an incomparable contribution in the development of economic sector. The economic development is the backbone of the development of any nation. The development and progress of any country will not be possible without economic development.
Per capital income is the measurement of the development. It is also an important element to maintain the quality of life. Increasing per capital income helps to develop the quality of living standard of the people. When the sources of income of an individual increases, s\he is able to manage the basic requirements. The improving economic condition of an individual helps to develop the quality of living standard of the family. Many resources are mobilized for the income generation. The establishment of industries, the invention of various instrument and the mobilization of various resources is due to human desire for quality of life. There is no filed that human beings has not touched. It is clear that there is a deep rooted relationship between economic aspect and the quality of living standard of the people. Thus, an economic aspect is the fundamental component for maintaining quality of life.
Need and importance of quality of life

Increasing number of a family increases the need for food, housing, materials goods, social services like education and health. Therefore, large family means more expenditure just to maintain the increases in population and not necessarily to improve quality of life. More number in the family also means a greater strain on the environment, use of more energy, etc. As a rule; we consider that on the environment, use of more energy etc. as a rule, we consider that a quality of life of a family is one that is able to meet its various needs. Materially, the members of family may have what they need, bit if one member is not good health, the family can not be considered as a family with quality of life. Quality of life is being affected by the economic, social, cultural, political and environment factors of the country. For the welfare of the family, standard of living should be, at any cost, improved. Major elements required for quality of life are taken as follows;
The quality of life is determined by the economic status of the family. The source of income is the measurement of the economic condition of the family. Economic condition of the family can be improved by increasing the number of productive members in the family. The income of the family is used to meet the needs of the family. The rest of the money can be saved for future; it helps in the case of emergency. The proper saving and expenditure help to maintain the quality of living standard of the family members. Thus, income is also an important element of quality of life.
2.Nutritious food
The nutritious food is one of the necessary elements of quality of life. It plays an important role in the development of physical, mental and intellectual aspect of the family members. Nutritious diet helps to develop healthy body as well as the mind. Lack of nutritious food and balanced diet leads to malnutrition. People become weak, powerless and suffer from many diseases due to malnutrition. Thus, each and every member of the family is required to rake nutritious food and balanced diet regularly for maintaining the quality of life.
Importance of Family Life Education
family life education family life rducation helps the young people to solve the family problems. family life education is concerned with assisting the youth in learning how to understand and cope with changes in the adolescents lives and in the society in which they live for example, the breahing down of traditional social structures, the changing roles of men and women and marriage practices. family life education helps the young people to solve the family problems. family life education helps the youth in their growing stage to know about the social, emotional and physical changes that occur within them in their growing stage. it develops the knowledge about different roles, functions andmaintenance of the family. it provides the knowledge about how to maintin good relationship among the members of the family and other people of the society. family life education develos the knowledge, values and skills whicch are necessary adulthood, marriage and parenthood as well as participation in community life. family life education helps to deals with the changes in the adolescent live in their sociaty like the roles of men ad women and the changing practices of marriage and traditional concepts. family life education helps to take wise decision and comunicate effectively with others about all connected matters of the social behaviours. family life education also makes the people are that they are being sexually matured and leads them into sex attitudes and life education is also concern with assisting the youth how to develop a good knowledge on the concept of family, family roles and functions to recognize the various tasks that need to be undertaken fo rthe well being and maintance of the family.
family life education refers to the broad programme in home and family living designed to impart knowledge regarding practices, values and attitudes affecting family relationships. family life education is designed to asist young people in their physical, social, emotional and moral development as they prepare for adulthood, marriage, parenthood, ageing as well as their social relationships in the socio-cultural context of the family and society. family life education also helps to communicate effectively with others and make wise decision about all matters connected with famliy life, personal relationships and membership of the community.
family life education refers to the broad programme in home and family living designed to impart knowledge regarding practices, values and attitudes affecting family relationships. family life education is designed to asist young people in their physical, social, emotional and moral development as they prepare for adulthood, marriage, parenthood, ageing as well as their social relationships in the socio-cultural context of the family and society. family life education also helps to communicate effectively with others and make wise decision about all matters connected with famliy life, personal relationships and membership of the community.
Family life education

A standard life, full of all the needs, is a dream of everyone. family life education is an educational process. it is a new concept of our education. it helps the young generation for their physical, social, emotional and moral development. gradually, young people get married, they become parents and they enter into old age. they establish deep-rooted relationship with family, society and physical and social; environment. since family life education is quite a new concept in our education system, it is most essential to be acquainted with some definitions of family life education so as to clarify its basic concepts. Some people think that it is a training of youths to be good parents. Some think that it is an educational process which helps for the preservation of accepted norms and values of the family .Family life education is not only concerned with reproduction, sexual behaviour and anatomical changes but it also develops the concept of all round development. Family life education also provides great help to make the family happy and to promote family welfare. the family life education can be defined in the following way. "Family life education is an educational process which helps in developing the physical, social, emotional and moral character of the people, relating with Socio-cultural aspect of the society" Family life education helps to develop the capacity to understand the society well.It also helps to share the ideas and experiences with parents and other family members. People develop an unique environment in the family.It is not simply concerned with the physiology of reproduction, anatomical changes, human sexual development and sexual behaviour. It focuses largely n assisting people in developing the ability to understand themselves and the society in which they live to think independently, to work out and clarify there own values and to evaluate and use information effectively in making responsible decision about their lives. Family is the source of love co-operation affection moral value and aspiration.Thus, the family life education is related with development of understanding respect, co-operation and prosperity of family.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
An essay has been defined in a variety of ways. One definition is a "prose composition with a focused subject of discussion" or a "long, systematic discourse".[1] It is difficult to define the genre into which essays fall. Aldous Huxley, a leading essayist, gives guidance on the subject.[2] He notes that "the essay is a literary device for saying almost everything about almost anything", and adds that "by tradition, almost by definition, the essay is a short piece". Furthermore, Huxley argues that "essays belong to a literary species whose extreme variability can be studied most effectively within a three-poled frame of reference". These three poles (or worlds in which the essay may exist) are:
- The personal and the autobiographical: The essayists that feel most comfortable in this pole "write fragments of reflective autobiography and look at the world through the keyhole of anecdote and description".
- The objective, the factual, and the concrete-particular: The essayists that write from this pole "do not speak directly of themselves, but turn their attention outward to some literary or scientific or political theme. Their art consists on setting forth, passing judgement upon, and drawing general conclusions from the relevant data".
- The abstract-universal: In this pole "we find those essayists who do their work in the world of high abstractions", who are never personal and who seldom mention the particular facts of experience.
Huxley adds that "the most richly satisfying essays are those which make the best not of one, not of two, but of all the three worlds in which it is possible for the essay to exist."
The word essay derives from the French infinitive essayer, "to try" or "to attempt". In English essay first meant "a trial" or "an attempt", and this is still an alternative meaning. The Frenchman Michel de Montaigne (1533–1592) was the first author to describe his work as essays; he used the term to characterize these as "attempts" to put his thoughts into writing, and his essays grew out of his commonplacing.[3]Inspired in particular by the works of Plutarch, a translation of whose Ĺ’uvres Morales (Moral works) into French had just been published by Jacques Amyot, Montaigne began to compose his essays in 1572; the first edition, entitled Essais, was published in two volumes in 1580. For the rest of his life he continued revising previously published essays and composing new ones. Francis Bacon's essays, published in book form in 1597, 1612, and 1625, were the first works in English that described themselves as essays. Ben Jonson first used the word essayist in English in 1609, according to the Oxford English Dictionary.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Biblical Law
To attempt to study Scripture without studying its law is to deny it. To attempt to understand Western civilization apart from the impact of Biblical law within it and upon it is to seek a fictitious history and to reject twenty centuries and their progress.
When R. J. Rushdoony wrote The Institutes of Biblical Law his purpose was a reversal of the present trend. It is called "Institutes" in the older meaning of that word, i.e., fundamental principles, here of law, because it is intended as a beginning, as an instituting consideration of that law which must govern society, and which shall govern society under God.
To understand Biblical law, it is necessary to understand also certain basic characteristics of that law. In it, certain broad premises or principles are declared. These are declarations of basic law. The Ten Commandments give us such declarations.
A second characteristic of Biblical law, is that the major portion of the law is case law, i.e., the illustration of the basic principle in terms of specific cases. These specific cases are often illustrations of the extent of the application of the law; that is, by citing a minimal type of case, the necessary jurisdictions of the law are revealed.
The law, then, asserts principles and cites cases to develop the implications of those principles, with its purpose and direction the restitution of God's order.
It is a modern heresy that holds that the law of God has no meaning nor any binding force for man today. It is an aspect of the influence of humanistic and evolutionary thought on the church and it posits an evolving and developing god. This "dispensational" god expressed himself in law in an earlier age, then later expressed himself by grace alone, and is now perhaps to express himself in still another way. But this is not the God of Scripture, whose grace and law remain the same in every age, because He, as the sovereign and absolute Lord, changes not, nor does He need to change. The strength of man is the absoluteness of his God.
To attempt to study Scripture without studying its law is to deny it. To attempt to understand Western civilization apart from the impact of Biblical law within it and upon it is to seek a fictitious history and to reject twenty centuries and their progress.
When R. J. Rushdoony wrote The Institutes of Biblical Law his purpose was a reversal of the present trend. It is called "Institutes" in the older meaning of that word, i.e., fundamental principles, here of law, because it is intended as a beginning, as an instituting consideration of that law which must govern society, and which shall govern society under God.
To understand Biblical law, it is necessary to understand also certain basic characteristics of that law. In it, certain broad premises or principles are declared. These are declarations of basic law. The Ten Commandments give us such declarations.
A second characteristic of Biblical law, is that the major portion of the law is case law, i.e., the illustration of the basic principle in terms of specific cases. These specific cases are often illustrations of the extent of the application of the law; that is, by citing a minimal type of case, the necessary jurisdictions of the law are revealed.
The law, then, asserts principles and cites cases to develop the implications of those principles, with its purpose and direction the restitution of God's order.
It is a modern heresy that holds that the law of God has no meaning nor any binding force for man today. It is an aspect of the influence of humanistic and evolutionary thought on the church and it posits an evolving and developing god. This "dispensational" god expressed himself in law in an earlier age, then later expressed himself by grace alone, and is now perhaps to express himself in still another way. But this is not the God of Scripture, whose grace and law remain the same in every age, because He, as the sovereign and absolute Lord, changes not, nor does He need to change. The strength of man is the absoluteness of his God.
Monday, January 25, 2016
The regular habitat includes all living and non-living things happening actually on Earth or some district thereof. It is a domain that includes the collaboration of every single living specie. Atmosphere, climate, and normal assets that influence human survival and monetary movement. [2] The idea of the indigenous habitat can be recognized by segments:
Complete biological units that capacity as regular frameworks without gigantic acculturated human intercession, including all vegetation, microorganisms, soil, rocks, air, and characteristic marvels that happen inside of their limits
All inclusive characteristic assets and physical wonders that need obvious limits, for example, air, water, and atmosphere, and additionally vitality, radiation, electric charge, and attraction, not starting from socialized human action
As opposed to the common habitat is the constructed environment. In such zones where man has essentially changed scenes, for example, urban settings and farming area transformation, the common habitat is enormously adjusted and decreased, with an a great deal more disentangled human environment generally supplanting it. Indeed, even occasions which appear to be less compelling, for example, hydroelectric dam development, or photovoltaic framework development in the desert, the regular habitat is considerably changed.
It is hard to discover completely regular habitats, and it is basic that the instinctive nature changes in a continuum, from preferably 100% characteristic in one great to 0% common in the other. All the more accurately, we can consider the distinctive viewpoints or segments of a situation, and see that their level of instinctive nature is not uniform.[3] If, for case, we take a rural field, and consider the mineralogic organization and the structure of its dirt, we will find that though the first is very like that of an undisturbed timberland soil, the structure is entirely diverse.
Indigenous habitat is frequently utilized as an equivalent word for environment. For example, when we say that the indigenous habitat of giraffes is the savanna.A waterway is a characteristic watercourse,[9] typically freshwater, streaming toward a sea, a lake, an ocean or another waterway. In a couple cases, a stream just streams into the ground and goes away totally before coming to another waterway. Little waterways may likewise be termed by a few different names, including stream, spring and creek. In the United States a stream is for the most part delegated a watercourse more than 60 feet (18 meters) wide. The water in a waterway is more often than not in a channel, made up of a stream bed between banks. In bigger streams there is additionally a more extensive floodplain formed by waters over-garnish the channel. Surge fields may be wide in connection to the extent of the stream channel. Streams are a piece of the hydrological cycle. Water inside of a stream is by and large gathered from precipitation through surface overflow, groundwater revive, springs, and the arrival of water put away in ice sheets and snowpacks.
Principle article: Stream
A stream is a streaming waterway with an ebb and flow, bound to an overnight boardinghouse banks. Streams assume a vital passageway part in joining divided living spaces and accordingly in moderating biodiversity. The investigation of streams and conduits when all is said in done is known as surface hydrology.[10] Types of streams incorporate rivulets, tributaries, which don't achieve a sea and join with another stream or waterway, creeks, which are regularly little streams and in some cases sourced from a spring or leak and tidal deltas
Earth's climate can be separated into five principle layers. These layers are basically controlled by whether temperature increments or reductions with height. From most elevated to least, these layers are:
Exosphere: The furthest layer of Earth's climate stretches out from the exobase upward, fundamentally made out of hydrogen and helium.
Thermosphere: The highest point of the thermosphere is the base of the exosphere, called the exobase. Its stature changes with sun powered movement and reaches from around 350–800 km (220–500 mi; 1,150,000–2,620,000 ft). The International Space Station circles in this layer, somewhere around 320 and 380 km (200 and 240 mi).
Mesosphere: The mesosphere reaches out from the stratopause to 80–85 km (50–53 mi; 262,000–279,000 ft). It is the layer where most meteors wreck after entering the environment.
Stratosphere: The stratosphere reaches out from the tropopause to around 51 km (32 mi; 167,000 ft). The stratopause, which is the limit between the stratosphere and mesosphere, regularly is at 50 to 55 km (31 to 34 mi; 164,000 to 180,000 ft).
Troposphere: The troposphere starts at the surface and reaches out to between 7 km (23,000 ft) at the posts and 17 km (56,000 ft) at the equator, with some variety because of climate. The troposphere is generally warmed by exchange of vitality from the surface, so by and large the most minimal piece of the troposphere is hottest and temperature diminishes with height. The tropopause is the limit between the troposphere and s
Man was created in the image of God and commanded to subdue the earth and to have dominion over it (Gen. 1:26-27). Not only is it man's calling to exercise dominion, but it is also his nature to do so. Since God is the absolute and sovereign Lord and Creator, whose dominion is total and whose power is without limits, man, created in His image, shares in this communicable attribute of God. Man was created to exercise dominion under God and as God's appointed vicegerent over the earth. Dominion is thus a basic urge of man's nature.
As a result of the fall, however, man's urge to dominion is now a perverted one, no longer an exercise of power under God and to His glory, but a desire to be God. This was precisely the temptation of Satan, that every man should be his own god, deciding for himself what constitutes right and wrong (Gen. 3:5). The ultimacy of man in both law and power was asserted.
History therefore has seen the long and bitter consequence of man's perverted urge to dominion. Man has made vicious and perverted use of man individually, in gang activities, and as an army or a nation. History is a long tale of horror in which man has sought power and dominion as an end in itself. George Orwell in 1984 saw the meaning of this fallen urge to dominion: "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face-forever." This sinful, fallen urge to dominion is prominent in every sphere of modern life, as well as in all history. It certainly governs the political world, where the state daily gains power for power's sake.
As a result of all this, many have become frightened of all power and hostile to the concept of dominion. Liberals, neo-orthodox, existentialists and others have renounced the idea of power as an illusion or a temptation, and the possession of power as an evil. The result has been to accentuate the drift to totalitarian power.
Dominion does not disappear when a man renounces it; it is simply transferred to another person, perhaps to his wife, children, employer, or the state. Where the individual surrenders his due dominion, where the family abdicates it, and the worker and employer reduce it, there another party, usually the state, concentrates dominion. Where organized society surrenders power, the mob gains it proportionate to the surrender.
This fact poses the problem, which for an Orwell, who saw the issue clearly, is impossible to answer. Fallen man's exercise of dominion is demonic; it is power for the sake of power, and its goal is "a boot stamping on a human face-forever." Its alternative is the dominion of anarchy, the bloody and tumultuous reign of the momentarily strong.
Clearly, there is no hope for man except in regeneration. The Shorter Catechism of the Westminster Divines, in dealing with the image of God declared:
Q. 10. How did God create man?
A. God created man male and female, after his own image, in knowledge, righteousness, and holiness, with dominion over the creatures (Gen. 1:26-28; Col. 3:10; Eph. 4:24).
The salvation of man includes his restoration into the image of God and the calling implicit in that image, to subdue the earth and to exercise dominion. Hence, the proclamation of the gospel was also the proclamation of the Kingdom of God, according to all the New Testament.
A radical deformation of the gospel and of the redeemed man's calling crept into the church as a result of neoplatonism. Dominion was renounced, the earth regarded as the devil's realm, the body despised, and a false humility and meekness cultivated. Dominion was regarded as a burden of the flesh rather than a godly responsibility. Especially with Pietism, Jesus was pictured as meek and helpless, pacifistic and mild of manner.
The word meek is a Biblical term. It is used in Numbers 12:3 to describe Moses, who is termed "very meek"; Moses hardly jibes with modern ideas of meekness. In fact, Moses is described as meek "above all the men which were upon the face of the earth." Marsh indicates the meaning of meek: "Moses does not fight for his own status before men, but is concerned to be Yahweh's servant. Therefore Yahweh cares for him and his position among the people."1 The word meek thus refers primarily to a spiritual state in relationship to God. Elliott noted, "It may be observed, further, that the word anav, meek, is frequently interchanged with the cognate word ani, and that the meaning may be bowed down, or oppressed."2 The meaning is further clarified by the Beatitude: "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth" (Matt. 5:5). Dominion over the earth is given to the meek, and meekness clearly has reference to God. The meek are the redeemed whom God has burdened, oppressed, and broken to harness, so that they are tamed and workable. God subjected Moses to a more rigorous discipline than any other believer of his day, and Moses accepted that oppression, grew in terms of it, and became disciplined and strong. Hence, Moses was the meekest man of his age. Meekness is thus not mousiness, but disciplined strength in and under God.
Jesus Christ described Himself as "meek and lowly in heart" (Matt. 11:29; rendered "gentle and humble" by both Moffatt and BV). He described Himself as such in relationship to those who sought Him. In His relationship to the Pharisees and Sadducees, Christ's conduct was firm and resolute. As Christ used the term meekness, it meant, not the surrender of dominion, but rather the wise, merciful, and gracious use of dominion. We cannot understand the meaning of meekness in Scripture unless we realize that it is not the surrender of dominion but rather the humble and godly use of dominion that it has reference to. The blessed meek are the tamed of God, those harnessed to His law-word and calling, who shall inherit the earth (Matt. 5:5). The blessed meek are those who submit to God's dominion, have therefore dominion over themselves, and are capable of exercising dominion over the earth. They therefore inherit the earth.
This point is of very great importance. Apart from it, the gospel is perverted. Man has a God-given urge to dominion, to power. The purpose of regeneration is to re-establish man in his creation mandate, to exercise dominion and to subdue the earth. The purpose of the law is to give man the God-appointed way to dominion. The purpose of the call to obedience is to exercise dominion.
What happens then when a caricature of Jesus is presented, when obedience is constantly demanded without the God-ordained goal of obedience being mentioned, and when man is continually summoned to prepare himself in the Lord, but for no purpose? The ministry of the church then becomes trifling, and the life of the believer, frustrating.
But the urge to dominion does not disappear simply because the church does not speak of it. Instead, it reappears as an ugly and sinful struggle for power in the church; rightful dominion being neglected or denied, sinful dominion begins then to emerge. The life of the church becomes then an ugly struggle over meaningless trifles in which the sole purpose is sinful power and dominion. All too often this sinful urge to dominion is masked with hypocritical meekness. It is very necessary therefore to recognize that the urge to dominion is God-given and is basic to the nature of man. An aspect of this dominion is property.
It is the custom among ecclesiastical socialists to deny that there is Biblical warrant for private property. Their ground for this is the often repeated Biblical declaration, "The earth is the LORD'S" (Ex. 9:29, etc.). They choose to neglect the total witness of Scripture to private property. The so-called communism of Acts 2:41-47, also cited by ecclesiastical socialists, was simply a voluntary sharing on the part of some (Acts 5). It was limited to Jerusalem. Because the believers took literally the words of Christ concerning the fall of Jerusalem (Matt. 24:1-28), they liquidated their properties there. The wealthier members placed some or all of these funds at the church's disposal, so that a witness could be made to their friends and relatives before Jerusalem fell. Very early, persecution drove all but a nucleus out of Jerusalem (Acts 8:1).
The earth is indeed the Lord's, as is all dominion, but God has chosen to give dominion over the earth to man, subject to His law-word, and property is a central aspect of that dominion. The absolute and transcendental title to property is the Lord's; the present and historical title to property is man's. The ownership of property does not leave this world when it is denied to man; it is simply transferred to the state. If the contention of the liberals that the earth is the Lord's, not man's, is to be applied as they require it, then it must be applied equally to the state; the state then must be denied all right to own or control property. The Scripture, however, places property in the hands of the family, not the state. It gives property to man as an aspect of his dominion, as a part of his godly subduing of the earth.
If the doctrine of dominion in and under God is weakened, then all the law is weakened also.
God grants dominion to man under His law, but He does not grant His sovereignty. God alone is absolute Lord and Sovereign. To deny God's sovereignty is to transfer sovereignty from God to man, or to man's state. Thus, Thomas Paine, in the Rights of Man, affirmed as a fundamental principle the sovereignty of the nation-state, declaring, "The nation is essentially the source of all sovereignty; nor can any INDIVIDUAL, or ANY BODY OF MEN, be entitled to any authority winch is not expresslv derived from it."3 Paine and the French Revolution clearly affirmed their totalitarianism by this statement. The state as god became the source of authority, morality, and dominion. Quite logically, the Revolution became a boot, grinding down the face of man, but, by the grace of God, not forever.
God's purpose is not the dominion of sin but the dominion of redeemed man over the earth under God. According to St. Paul, the very creation around us groans and travails, waiting for the godly dominion of the children of God (Rom. 8:19-23). Because of the fall, creation is now under the dominion of sinful man and is being laid waste by his perverted use of power. Even as the plant turns to the light, so creation turns with longing to the restored dominion of godly man. Even as dust and stones move in terms of gravity, so they move also in terms of God's purposed dominion of man over them. The people of God must therefore be schooled into the nature and requirements of godly dominion. Anything short of this is a contempt of the supreme authority of God, who declares in His word that He will make a covenant with the very beasts of the field to ensure man's prosperity in the day of his obedience:
And in that day will I make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven, and with the creeping things of the ground: and I will break the bow and the sword and the battle out of the earth, and will make them to lie down safely (Hosea 2:18).
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